Counselor Salon | "Dance Therapy: Dialogue with the Body" Counselor Dance Decompression Group Counseling Successfully Launched

August 2, 2024 Yu Xuan 

The Voice of CCNU On the morning of June 14th at 10 o'clock, the 20th Counselor Salon was held in the Flow Space of the One-Stop Community (East Eighteen). The event was organized by the Party Committee's Student Work Department and the College Student Mental Health Education Center, and hosted by the School of Life Sciences and the One-Stop Student Community Service Center. Ni Chenxin, an undergraduate counselor from the School of Life Sciences, designed and led the "Dance Therapy: Dialogue with the Body" counselor dance decompression group counseling, with a total of 7 graduate and undergraduate counselors from various training units participating.

This activity was presented in the form of relaxing the body, perceiving the body, and expressing the body, following the guidance to connect with the body's feelings in the music. At the beginning of the activity, under the guidance of Teacher Ni Chenxin, participants got to know each other in the classroom following the rhythm of the music, making eye contact and physical contact with others, feeling the relaxed pleasure of moving with the music. After the students let down their physical defenses, the teacher led everyone to lie flat on the floor and relax, bringing attention back to their own body by perceiving the contact between the body and the floor.

Subsequently, Teacher Ni Chenxin led everyone in practicing "rolling on the ground." The teacher guided everyone to imagine themselves as a child who feels the world by rolling and crawling, perceiving the world through the body's rolling on the floor. Slow down the movements during the rolling, allowing different parts of the body to support and protect themselves from harm.

Finally, the teacher led everyone in practicing expressing their emotions through body movements, feeling the different expressions of emotions through changes in the size of the movements. The teachers danced freely in the quiet space with the music, continuously creating new movements and dance poses, and fully releasing their own stress.

After the event, the participating teachers expressed that this psychological group counseling session was highly professional, instructive, and practical. It not only provided a way to relieve stress for their own body and mind, but also taught them to better observe and care for themselves. At the same time, it provided a reference model for the future application of music and dance in guiding students in their work.

Source: The Voice of CCNU

Author:Yu Xuan

Translator: Zhao Xiuran

Date: August 1, 2024

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