Known by his pioneering masterworks as Marriage of Figaro, Don Juan and Magic Flute, Mozart is one of the most influential composers in 18 century, an essential founder of the Vienna Classical School. Though many of us are familiar with his pieces of music, few actually understand his legendary but tortured life.

Premiered on 2009 at the Palais des Sports de Paris, the musical Mozart, L’opéra Rock, which originally narrates the splendid biography of this unprecedented genius with music of varied sorts. After being released, this hit french musical widely gained recognition of audiences from all over the world, which made it achieve enormous success, grossed $100million and sold 750,000 copies of the cast recording within 3 years. Till now, it has been played in 9 countries or regions including US, Korea and China, adopted in 7 versions of different languages, meanwhile, is still a regnant piece which is fairly vital in the musical circle.
Different from the enthusiasm illustrated in his operas, his experience could be described as a miserable one or, a lament of a genius ---- the expulsion of the archbishop, his brush with his lover, being deserted by Paris, the deaths of his parents, marginalization of his peers as well as torment of the illness before died young…just as the idiom “god envies talent”. A 35 years old dropped down as a resplendent meteor, however, his suffering has melt as leaping notes which remain great popularity today. Imagine at one of the scenes of this musical: Mozart rushes about on the streets of Paris in a thunderstorm without an umbrella for promoting his compositions while sings the song Tatoue-moi with lilting rhythms but just being completely rejected by these clients, this kind of optimism or romanticism appropriately fits the core spirit of the France, which made the musical extremely impressive. So someone said, Paris, which had disappointed Mozart but then awarded him with crowning appreciation after his death.

However, rather than the accurate depiction of the Mozart in the history, the director has broken our traditional stereotypes of this brilliant musician of 18 century by reposing contemporary conviction and modern emotion, which blessed this Mozart with nearly an unexpected figure. As how the player of Mozart, Mikelangelo Loconte, evaluated his character in an interview: “I think Mozart’s main issue is emancipation. He had a short life, so he didn’t really have time to grow up. And that’s exactly what I want to show the public. It’s not Mozart fooling around like what people would expected.”And this sort of hypothesis obviously derived from the empathy of the masterworks of this gifted. Via the stress of the dramatic comedy, simultaneously, emphasis on the description of the “deviants”, this opera entirely demonstrated the rebellious or wild souls of the main characters.
但与其小心翼翼地描摹历史上的莫扎特,倒不如说导演以当代人的理念和情感寄托,打破我们对于这位18世纪音乐家的传统偏见,赋予了他几近颠覆的人格。正如此剧中莫扎特的饰演者,Mikelangelo Loconte所说:“我认为莫扎特最大的特点就是放荡不羁,他的一生如此短暂,甚至还没来得及长大,而这也是我想向观众们所呈现的,而非大家所想的游手好闲的那种人。”而这种假定出自对于莫扎特作品的深度共鸣,通过凸显喜剧色彩、突出人物的离经叛道,洗炼出主角灵魂深处的潇洒与反叛。
In addition, the styles of the songs that were adopted could be exceedingly distinguished from the conventional ones, which have absorbed the element of pop, heavy metal and, apparently, rock into the classical theme, which is surprisingly, in my point of view, coincided with the conception “vilain” that was highlighted in the Mozart’s works, which briefly means that even the form of the art supposed to be supremely noble should be adapted by the lives of the public. And this creative action has received numerous admiration as well as praise of the fans, also attracted a good deal of audiences to start to concern about the field of musical, but at the meantime, incurred much criticisms of the professional who condemned this show as an impertinence one and lack of the noteworthy vocal skill.

Eventually, the ultimate theme of Mozart, L’opéra Rock is remain to be discussed, whose traces could be found out from the final theme of the show, Vivre à en crever, meaning live life to the fullest in English, whose lyric exposed the value of our lives and existence, which I still eager to share with you. “If we must die, let’s live life to the fullest, retain everything to sacrifice it all. If we must die, I want to carved on our tombs, that our laughter fooled death and time.”
最后,关于本剧的最终主题,依然值得我们探讨研究,而从它的谢幕曲《Vivre à en crever》(中文翻译:纵情生活)中即可窥见一二。这首歌的歌词在结束时,向我们揭示了我们存在的意义,现在,我想将它分享给大家。“如若必有一死,何不纵情生活,所有试图挽留的将被献祭。如若必有一死,我愿在我的墓碑上刻下,我们的笑声嘲笑了死亡,愚弄了时光。”
Author: Kong Yilin
Date: July 20, 2022