The Murder Case of Peking University Students: The Incomplete Personality Behind The Perfect Genius 北大学子弑母案:完美天才背后的残缺人格

May 8, 2019 Yao Jialing 

Wu Xieyu, born in 1994, was admitted to Fuzhou No. 1 middle school in 2009 with the highest score in the school. In 2012, he was admitted to the Institute of Economics of Peking University, winning many scholarships in college. However, it was not his remarkable achievement that put him in the public domain, but a murder on July 11, 2015. In Fuzhou Jin 'an district, a middle school staff dormitory, Wu Xieyu's mother Xie Tianqin was killed. As her own son, Wu Xieyu had great suspicion.




Before returning home from Beijing, Wu had bought a series of tools online. After the brutal killing of his mother, he used plastic film to wrap the mother's body layer by layer. And in each layer of the gap, activated carbon was also put in to absorb the smell. Then he installed monitors and alarms in the home. Then, in the name of his mother, he borrowed money from relatives, helped his mother resign from the school, and falsely claimed that his mother accompanied him to study abroad. It was not until February 14, 2016 that Xie was discovered dead. On April 21, 2019, nearly four years after he committed the crime, Wu Xieyu was finally arrested at Chongqing Jiangbei international airport, carrying more than 30 identity cards.




As the merit student of Peking University, winner of Liao kaiyuan scholarship and elitist in GRE, why did he choose to ruin such a bright future? How could the misunderstanding between him and his mother be so deep? According to the description of friends and relatives, Xie Tianqin had a low-key introverted character, and didn’t interact much with others, but she was very good to people. Just such a person of extreme self-control and self-discipline, who never wore skirt in summer after being a teacher, had the possibility of "imposing" her own demands on the child, or even made some important decisions for the child. Wu xieyu's father died of liver cancer in 2010, but Xie Tianqin firmly refused the pension from her school, thinking she could bring up her son by herself. Wu Xieyu's school, after learning of his father's death, also tried to send him a grant, which was refused by him. But from more than 1.4 million yuan Wu xieyu borrowed from relatives after the crime, he was not as resistant to money as his mother. As a person who had never borrowed money before, was he really short of the money? Such a large sum of money was more like a catharsis, a waste after getting freedom.




On February 5, 2016, Wu Xieyu sent a message to his uncle, saying that he and his mother would come back from Boston and would arrive at Putian high-speed railway station in Fujian province on February 6. He hoped his uncle would pick up them for the Spring Festival. Until his uncle did not pick up them, and broke into the home, the truth of the matter just surfaced. If it was not Wu Xieyu’s message, things may not be exposed. But why he chose to do this? The perfect plan to kill was not for escaping, but to reveal itself, which was really puzzling.




Facing the tragedy of "Peking University student killing his mother", what should we think? Especially in recent years, Matricide is not uncommon. There are children under 12 and also adults like Wu Xieyu, there are idle social youth and also those outstanding students with shinning success. Is this kind of maternal hatred a new social disorder? Whether our social evaluation system is too simple?What's wrong with our family education? To what extent does communication between parents and children become so deficient that it is necessary to solve the problem in this way? After getting heartache, anxiety and confused,how to reduce such tragedy of matricide? How to cultivate the healthy personality of children? How to enhance the timely communication between parents and children? Those questions do worth everyone's thinking.


面对“北大学子弑母”的悲剧,我们应该做什么样的思考?特别是近年来,弑母事件已不鲜见,作案者既有不满十二岁的幼儿,也有像吴谢宇这样的成年人,既有无所事事的社会青年,又有跻身高等学府的佼佼者。这样的仇母心理,是否是一种新的社会病症? 我们的社会评价体系是否太过单一?我们的家庭教育到底出了什么问题?家长与孩子之间的沟通匮乏到了什么程度,非要用这样的方式来解决问题?心痛、焦虑、不解之后,如何减少这样的弑母悲剧,如何培养孩子健全的人格,增进亲子间及时的交流,值得每一个人思考。


Translator: Yao Jialing

Time: 2019-5-1



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