Watching mukbang is horrified but also satisfied. Pretty anchors have extraordinarily huge appetites, contrasting with their slim figures—one anchor can clear off a big plate or even a table of food. In mukbang, audience’s jaw drops. But numerous “rabbits” hide behind “big-eaters” (“rabbit” is an argot for people with eating disorder, because “rabbit” and “emesis” are homophones in Chinese). Now let me introduce and analyze this contradictory webcast phenomenon—mukbang.
Since eating reality shows prevailed in Korea—watching anchors cooking and enjoying food through paid webcast—mukbang had sprung up. In these reality shows, professional anchors ordinarily eat for 3 hours,and get respectable income (9000 dollars a month, approximately 54000 yuan). A 34-year-old Korean woman, formerly working at counselling company, had resigned from it since she found eating before cameras brought up handsome profit. She named herself after The Diva and became a professional anchor. Every day, she ate for 3 hours before online audience and accordingly she was sent “virtual balloons” which could turn into money. Besides, a large number of beautiful people actively acted in webcast.
“吃播”是从2014年在韩国网络上兴起的一种”美食真人秀”节目,即通过付费网络直播的形式观看”吃饭直播员”在家中烹饪并享受美食全过程的一档节目。在这种”美食秀”中,专职美食直播员一般能吃上3个小时,可以月入9000美元(约合人民币5.4万元)。韩国34岁女子朴某原在一家咨询公司工作, 但自从发现在摄像头前直播吃饭能够让自己获得高额报酬后,她便离职了,化名”The Diva”,成为一名专职的”吃饭直播员”。每天,她在摄像头前,面对网友吃三个小时,而观看直播的网友则不时向她发送”虚拟气球”,当她把得到的气球转化为现金后,便可以轻松赚到薪酬。除此之外,还有很多俊男靓女活跃在直播第一线。

That everyone has a microphone provides platforms for nationwide mukbang. In addition to some professional anchors, such as Piao Shuyan, BANZZ and Yuka Kinoshita, netizens also hold up their smartphones and share their eating fun, some of who even rises to fame overnight by tens of thousands of clicks.
In the market of mukbang, most anchors are women with fascinating figures. They fiercely eat, without any scruple, but slim figures don’t leave them away. The great contrast between their slender figures and big appetites intrigues netizens—is it feasible for those anchors to eat a table of food? Truth be told, talented big-eaters are infrequent, however, fakes are in the majority. Gradually, the matter has been raveled out—emesis. It’s an accessory of mukbang, which helps an average person become a big-eater.
In each webcast of A Tu, the number of online audience easily breaks 100000. Audience admires her for getting considerable income with mere eating. However, under the glamorous surface, A Tu lives like a drowned rat—she is a real fake. Every time, when she smilingly finishes mukbang, she has to rush into the bathroom to rescue her overloaded stomach, with her “secret weapon”—emesis. Before the webcast, she must gulp a raw egg for lubrication, and pour herself some sodas while eating for the sake of easy emesis.

Contradictory mukbang deserves our profound reflection. Nowadays, women show a screwy yearning for thin figure, which makes our body a stage of self-performance. Thin figure is put on the top of chain of contempt. Many companies prefer to invite supermodels or stars with perfect body for advertising, which is based on this reason. And mukbang is no exception—emesis is another proof for this prevailing chain of contempt.