An Inch of Time is an Inch of Gold and I Should Spend My Time on Meaningful Things and Strive to Improve Myself: My Summer Vacation Sentiment一寸光阴一寸金,要把时间花在有意义的事情上,努力提升自己:我的暑假感悟

August 28, 2021 Shu Tianle 

During this period of summer vacation, everyone has different experiences. The summer vacation is also coming to an end unconsciously. I also have many different feelings.


In high school, the most common sentence mentioned by teachers is that you will be relaxed when you go to college. In fact, it is not, especially in the summer vacation. For some students, the summer vacation is to stay at home playing games, chasing dramas and sleeping, but for me and my classmates, our summer vacation is full and meaningful.


In my social circle of friends, there are not a few friends who take part in social practice during the summer vacation, that is, they help others and improve themselves. Some students use the summer vacation time to work in the summer vacation, realizing the financial freedom in the short term. Some students who like cooking study recipes at home every day and strive to complete the transformation of kitchen Xiaobai. In the summer vacation, like most students who have reached the age of 18, I signed up in the driving school and went  to practice every day rain or shine

在我的社交朋友圈中,利用暑假参加社会实践的朋友不在少数,即帮助了他人,又提升了自己。部分同学利用暑假的时间打打暑假工,实现了短期内的财务自由。也有喜欢烹饪的同学每天在家研究菜谱,力争完成厨房小白的蜕变。我在暑假主要是和绝大多数满了18周岁的同学一样,在驾校报了名, 每天风雨无阻的去练车。

University may mean freedom, especially in the summer vacation of University. However, if we don't make use of our limited time and do nothing all day, we will not only lose the struggle, but also get bored for a long time. Therefore, every inch of time is an inch of gold. We should make good use of our limited time and strive to improve ourselves in the summer vacation.


Author: Shu Tianle

Date: August 28, 2021


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