The Autumn Sports Meeting in My Eyes 我眼中的运动会

November 12, 2021 Peng Qiurong 

1 Preparation

1 准备

On the morning of November 5th, the opening ceremony of sports meeting was held. When I entered the playground, I suddenly found that the place was obviously different from what it had been yesterday. The grassland was surrounded by dozens of signs noting inspiring sentences such as“EAST AND WEST, CCNU IS THE BEST, creating a positive and encouraging environment. Besides, the playground was decorated with a lot of red elements, which represented great festivity.

11月5号早晨,运动会开幕式举行了。当我进入操场,我突然发现这地方明显不同于它昨日的模样。草地被各种各样的写着激励人心的话语的标牌环绕,比如”EAST AND WEST, CCNU IS THE BEST,营造出一种积极昂扬的氛围。而且,操场被许多代表着喜庆的红色元素装饰着。

And the wonderful performances especially appealed to me. Every square array all had its own characteristic. Take School of Chinese Language and Literature for example. Students in the square array shook little red flags in their hands while dancing group dressed in red costume was performing gracefully to the song named “China in the light”, like flowers blooming. Moreover, as part of the performance, reading poems, calligraphy, ceremonies, playing Guqin and archery also embody that China enjoys a long history and splendid culture. All in all, these performances offered us a visual feast.


2 Sports meeting in progress

2 运动会进行时

The programs of the sports meeting were also quite aplenty, involving high jump, long jump, sprint, distance race, sit-up and so on.


Athletes made concentrated effort to compete on the field, releasing energies accumulated in their body in those laborious training days. As soon as the order of Run was issued, they rushed out like arrows. At the same time, scream for supporting, sound of drums rose here and subsided there.


Some students accompanied the athletes to run, encouraging them to persist. When athletes crossed the finish line, they were too exhausted to move. Fortunately, their heart-warming classmates went forward to hold them immediately and took them to have a rest.


Maybe the true meaning of sports meeting lies in these details: striving, willpower, collective sense of honor and warm concerns.


3 Little fragment

3 小碎片

The sports meeting also absorbed teachers, who always speak with fervour and assurance on the platform. But in the days, they can just relax themselves in the amusing games. And, it meant we had an opportunity to see their lovely aspect.


Whats more, you could see beautiful girls dancing in front of the awning of their faculty, cheering on competitors and lighting up scene. In addition, it seemed that chubby dolls walked outside TV and internet and came to the sports meeting to play with others.


In a nutshell, the sports meeting was a combination of amusement and competition. Plenty of free time to arrange, interesting matches to watch, different programs to participate in, attractive performances, all of these brought up the meaningful and memorable sports meeting.


Author: Peng Qiurong

Reviewer: Yang Fan

Date:November 7, 2021

Pre:The Sports Meet of CCNU:The Great Combination of Passion, Perseverance and Enjoyment 华中师范大学校运动会:热血,坚持与欢愉的汇聚

Next:Perseverance and Encouragement——CCNU Spirit under the Rain Curtain 坚持与鼓励——雨幕下的华师精神
