The Summer Tour | Libo Xiaqikong: a Resort Seems to Have Appeared in My Dream 夏日之旅|荔波小七孔,疑是自梦来

August 4, 2022 Hua Siyao 

Over the past two years, the pandemic has got a trip on trans-provincial and outbound tourism. Fortunately, this summer has seen a surge in the number of touristswho finally have opportunities to enjoy their holidays. Whether you have been one of the tourists or not? Do not be disappointed if not, since I will lead you to a “cloud visit” to have an immersive experience in the natural beauty of the 5A scenic spot.

在过去的两年里,新冠疫情大幅限制了跨省旅游和出境旅游。幸运的是,这个夏天,游客数量大幅增加,人们终于可以享受假期旅游的快乐。你是否已经成为游客之一?如果没有,请不要失望,因为我将带领你进行一次 "云出游",让你身临其境地体验5A级景区的自然美景。

Located in the south-western part of Libo County, Guizhou, Libo Xiaoqikong is 28 kilometers from the county town. An ancient bridge built in the 15th year of Daoguang (1836) stands at the north of the scenic spot, which gives the area its name. The resort scenic area is in only 1 km wide, 12 km long narrow valley, with caves, forests, lakes, waterfalls, rocks, water and other various landscapes, exquisite and beautiful, thus being hailed as the "super bonsai".


The first stop of our visit is the Wolong Lake, which is the source of the Wolong River, a dark river that gushes out at the bottom of the cliff and cascades down from a dam built to divert water for power generation, with the sound of water roaring and mist and rain. The pool is surrounded by strange rocks and trees, and the mountains are so tightly locked that the pool is like an underground abyss, with the mood of a dragon pool and a tiger's den. Whenever there is a flash flood, the waves run like a dragon showing its power.


Next, we have reached the Feiyun(flying clouds) Waterfall. As if dropping directly from the tree hole, the waterfall is at the most spectacular in the scenic area. Walk along the path, you will even feel exceedingly cool surrounding the spray from the waterfall.


Finally, we walked to visit the Xiaoqikong Bridge. Small and delicate, cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye, the ancient stone bridge reveals a natural beauty of their own, decorated with vines and ferns and crossing over the Xiangshui River. On both sides of the bridge are ancient trees, with huge gnarled branches stretching along the bridge, like giant umbrellas on the bridge.


At this point, the travel to Libo Xiaqikong has come to an end smoothly! I believe the experience is impressing, and it is to be continued.


Date: August 4, 2022

Pre:The Summer Tour | Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, Thousands of Sparkling Lights 夏日之旅|西江千户苗寨,万家灯火故事长

Next:The Booming of the Disc-throwing Sport 受欢迎的飞盘运动
