The Summer Tour | Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, Thousands of Sparkling Lights 夏日之旅|西江千户苗寨,万家灯火故事长

August 5, 2022 Hua Siyao 

Yesterday, we enjoyed the waterfall and ancient bridge with each other, while today, I’d like to invite all of you to the visit of Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village with me.


Located in Nangui Village, Xijiang Town, Leshan County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, the Miao Village consists of more than ten natural villages built on the mountains, surrounded by mountains on all sides, with terraced rice paddies that follow the mountains to the clouds, and the Baishui River running through the village.


More than 1,000 households in the Xijang Qianhu Miao Village have built their own unique wooden hanging towers halfway up the mountain. Additionally, it is hailed as an open-air museum, exhibiting an epic poem of the development of the Miao people, becoming a grand stand for appreciating and studying the traditional culture of the Miao people.


The first thing worth mentioning when you come to Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village is the Long Table Banquet, which is the highest form of Miao banquet and grand ritual. That has a history of several thousand years, which can be launched for the wedding, the village fellowship activity and so forth. During the banquet, the hosts and guests are seated opposite each other, toasting and singing to each other.


Actually, the view from the top of the Miao Village is the most spectacular. Look! Thousands of sparkling lights are telling a myriad of stories to tourists.

事实上,从苗寨的山顶上观赏的景是最壮观的。你看! 千万灯火正在向游客讲述故事。

Up to now, the travel has come to an end. As the world of feasting and the sea of lights, Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village always looks forward to your arrival.


Date: August 5, 2022

Pre:The Summer Tour | Mount Fanjing—the Buddhist Monastery and Nature Reserve 夏日之旅 | 梵净山——一片梵天净土

Next: The Summer Tour | Libo Xiaqikong: a Resort Seems to Have Appeared in My Dream 夏日之旅|荔波小七孔,疑是自梦来
