The Summer Tour | Mount Fanjing—the Buddhist Monastery and Nature Reserve 夏日之旅 | 梵净山——一片梵天净土

August 6, 2022 Hua Siyao 

On the blistering August days, a leisurely walk to Mount Fanjing will reward the summer visitors with solitude and spectacular scenery.


Located in Tongren, Guizhou Province, Mount Fanjing is the main peak of the Wuling Mountains in China. With a total area of 41,900 square kilometers, of which 25,800 square kilometers is the core area, the main objects of protection are the rare wildlife and native forest ecosystems represented by the Qianjin Snub-nosed Monkey(Rhinopithecus roxellanae brelichi) and the dove (Davidia involucrate Baill).


The forest coverage rate of Mount Fanjing can reach to 95%, with 31 species of state-protected plants and 19 species of state-protected animals, thus being known as "the oasis of the earth", "the gene bank of plants and animals", and “the valuable heritage of mankind”.


On October 17, 2018, Mount Fanjing was entitled a national AAAAA tourist attraction and the national nature reserve; on June 30, 2008, it was named as one of top ten famous summer mountains in China and was listed as a member of the international Man and the Biosphere Conservation Network; Then on July 2, 2018, it was admitted to be inscribed on the World Natural Heritage List at the World Heritage General Assembly.


As the most representative rock sites and the spirit of Mount Fanjing, Mushroom-like Stone is a column with a height of ten meters, composed of sandy slate and quartz sandstone. Once seeing it, you may feel amazed because the square stone covers the rectangle one, which seems to be unsteady. Actually, it has been standing here for billions of years, suffering long-term wind erosion.


After the visit of Mount Fanjing, we will explore the beauty of Huangguoshu Waterfall. The summer travel is to be continued, please stay tuned.


Date: August 6, 2022

Pre:The Summer Tour | Appreciate the Huangguoshu Waterfall, Find Scenes from Journey to the West 夏日之旅 | 观黄果树瀑布,寻《西游记》之景

Next:The Summer Tour | Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, Thousands of Sparkling Lights 夏日之旅|西江千户苗寨,万家灯火故事长
