Love in Xiamen | The Exterior Feature and Soul of Gulangyu Island 爱在厦门 | 鼓浪屿的外表与灵魂

July 23, 2022 Hua Siyao 

Gulangyu Island, formerly known as "Yuan Sha Zhou", is an island with jagged reefs, winding shorelines, mountains, peaks and rocks, with architecture as the exterior feature and music as the soul.


The architecture of Gulangyu Island has undergone a long historical evolution. Before the Opium War, Gulangyu Island was a sparsely populated deserted island for a long time. It was not until the Song and Yuan dynasties that the name "Yuanshazhou" came into being, and the name "Gulangyu" was used in the Ming dynasty. The island was mostly a semi-fishing and semi-agricultural economy, thus the initial houses being very simple at that time. During the late Ming and early Qing dynasties and until the Opium War, the architecture of Gulangyu Island began to change, with the emergence of Western architecture. After Xiamen became a commercial port, Gulangyu was reckoned as the preferred location for foreign colonialists because of its excellent geographic, climatic and scenic conditions, which made it a suitable place to live. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, some of the large buildings were taken over. After renovating and decorating, some of the public places have been transformed. For example, the Lin Heshou's "Bagua Building" was transformed into the Gulangyu Organ Museum.


Gulangyu Island enjoys the reputation of being the "Island of Music" and the "Cradle and Nursery of Musicians". Many famous musicians are from Gulangyu Island, and modern Western music has been spread and developed here.


In the mid-19th century, Western music was introduced to Gulangyu Island along with Christianity. According to the U.S. archives, the "Chinese Monthly Concert" was held at the chapel in Xiamen on the first Monday of every month since January 5, 1846, and the addition of a pipe organ to the chapel in 1878 is the earliest record of the appearance of Western instruments on the Gulangyu Island. At that time, it seemed that Western music could only be heard in the chapel.


In 1913, the first piano appeared in Gulangyu. Later, through the spread of church music, it spread to schools, society and families. In the 1980s and 1990s, Gulangyu Island had the highest density of pianos in China and was known as the "Island of Pianos".


In 2000, the Gulangyu Piano Museum was completed. It is the only piano museum in China. The museum contains nearly 100 ancient pianos and piano candlesticks, which are precious in the world and clearly show the history of piano development. The most special of them are well in excess of 70 old European and American pianos, which are centrally displayed in the museum.


Gulangyu Island is rich in musical talents. The island has cultivated world renowned piano and violin players, conductors and music educators, such as Zhou Shu’an, the first female vocal conductor in China, Lin Junqing, former director of the Shanghai Vocal Institute, Yin Chengzong, Xu Fei Ping, Xu Fei Xing, Xu Xingai and Zhuo Yilong, piano players, Chen Zuohuang, conductor, Xu Feini, violinist and so forth.


In 2002, Gulangyu was named the "Island of Music" by the Chinese Musicians Association. Facing the sea, singing and playing the pianoyou may appreciate the artistic style of the it.


From a distance, the Gulangyu Island under the mist seems to travel back to its original appearance, quiet and gentle. There is no hustle and bustle, calm and quiet.


Date: July 23, 2022

Pre:The Booming of the Disc-throwing Sport 受欢迎的飞盘运动

Next: Love in Xiamen | The Sun Rises in the East and Sets in the West, and Romance Lasts till Death Split us Up 爱在厦门 | 太阳东升西落,浪漫至死不渝
