The Charm of Loneliness 孤独的魅力

August 31, 2022 Li Huige 

Balzac once said:“a thinking person only is a power of endless.” The rapids of times surge forward, submerging numerous people. Some choose to climb on the bandwagon, spinning like a top at full speed, while some choose to take a path that nobody cares about. Those people have an independent mind. No matter how noisy the outside voice is, they can still maintain a state of mind like Tao Yuanming’s, which is "the heart is far away from itself". Currently, the society is developing rapidly. It is beneficial to me to own an independent personality.


Why do I think that maintaining an independent personality is very precious in the current society? Camus said: “All maverick personalities mean strength.” The reason why those people who won our esteem such as Qi Faren, who stuck to aerospace education in his 80s, Nan Rendong, who devoted his whole life to China's Tianyan, Qin Yuefei, who chose to return to his motherland to help the poor after giving up his high salary abroad, can attain recognition and praise is that they regard the loneliness in people’s eyes as a kind of practice. Their dreams will be achieved when they stick to their hearts and ignore outside voice. Their loneliness not only provides them with a pure land of mind, but also makes them to make extraordinary contributions to society and the country.


It reminds me of a famous translator, Zhou Kexi. He is one of the few independent translators of Proust's works in China. There are quite a few long and difficult sentences in Proust’s works, as a consequece of which, Mr. Zhou translated an average of 400 words a day at the beginning. It is not too much to say that completing the translation of one of Proust’s works is like exploring in a dark tunnel alone. However, just as Mr. Zhou said, in that dark tunnel, he could not see the dim light at the end, and he was still slowly crawling. Although he could not see the light, he was still walking slowly. A translator is lonely to a degree. To translate an artist’s work perfectly, he or she must cherish their longlines. Loneliness makes them run in opposite directions most people, but at the end of the tunnel, it turns into a dim light to warm their hearts. I claim that this is the charm of loneliness.

这让我想到一位翻译家,周克希先生。他是国内极少数独立翻译普鲁斯特作品的译者。普鲁斯特作品的长难句众多, 这导致周先生刚开始的时候每天平均的翻译量为四百字。可以说,译完普鲁斯特的一本作品就像是孤独地行走于一条黑黢黢的隧道,但正如周先生自己描述的那样,在黑黢黢的隧道里,看不到尽头的微光,他还在缓慢地爬行,尽管看不到尽头的微光,他还在慢慢地走。从某种程度上,翻译家是寂寞的,但要想翻译出好的作品,就必须热爱自己的寂寞。孤独令他们与大多数人背道而驰,却又在隧道尽头化成微光来温暖他们的内心,我想,这便是孤独的魅力。

Author: Li Huige

Date: August 31, 2022

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