Will Smartphones Endanger our Reading and Writing? 智能手机会对我们的读写能力不利吗?

April 27, 2022 Hua Siyao 

It is increasingly worried by some parents and educators that smartphones could have a negative influence on students’ reading and writing, with too much exposure to expressions on the Internet and short passages on the screen. However, from my perspective, there are pros and cons with regards with the use of smartphones. After all, smartphones are the products of the high technology, and what we should emphasize is how do we use the tool.


In some cases, the excessive use of smartphones can affect negatively the habits of our reading and writing. Caused by the characteristics of the media and the interest of the readers, articles carried out online are usually superficial and blind to the opinion of the majority, which is not suitable for us to cultivate the ability of critical thinking when reading. In addition, netizens usually apply some funny memes and slogans to express their feelings, which are impropriate for formal writing.


In contrast, others hold the idea that smartphones provide much more opportunities to get access to a variety of books and views as well as to publish our own articles. Thanks to the Internet, we can acquire more e-books free of charge and information to expand our horizons. In addition, the website and forums have changed the situation where only writers can publish their works, students can also express themselves and received encouragement or guidance, which could be beneficial to their improvement of writing.  


To sum up, as a tool, the smartphone itself cannot have an impact on the ability to write or read. If we make the most of the convenience it brought to us, we can enjoy more materials that help our writing and reading.


Date: April 27, 2022

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