The Huqin of Life 生命的胡琴

September 1, 2023 Hua Siyao 

Love in a Fallen City is one of the most popular short stories of Eileen Chang, presenting a story about love and life in a complex era.


Bai Liusu and Fan Liuyuan, the two "lovers", have their own temptations, calculations, concerns and desires. In the story, they are not criticized according to morality and ethics, but show the human nature in all its complexity。


"The fall of Hong Kong made her whole. But in this incomprehensible world. Who knows what is cause. What is the effect? Who knows?" Love in a Fallen City tells the helplessness of life, sympathizes with the struggles of the weak, and focuses on the special experience that a particular situation constitutes for a person. Bai Liusu's determination to divorce required sufficient courage at that time, though faced with discipline and oppression of the society and her family,  she still spare no effort to find her own happiness.

“香港的陷落成全了她。但是在这不可理喻的世界里。谁知道什么是因。什么是果?谁知道呢?” 《倾城之恋》的故事诉说人生的无奈,体恤弱者的挣扎,注重特定的境遇景况对人自身构成的特殊体验。白流苏遭到前夫家暴而坚决离婚,在那个时代需要足够的勇气,但尽管面对社会与家庭的规训与压迫,她还是坚定地进行另寻个人幸福的自我抗争。

The "huqin that can't keep up with life" reveals the encounter between literature and life. The charm of Love in a Fallen City and Eileen Chang lies in the beauty of the collision between the various lives and delicate words.


Date: September 1, 2023

Pre:Literary Introduction | Han Dong's poem "About the Big Wild Goose Pagoda" 文学推介 | 韩东的诗歌《有关大雁塔》

Next: The Summer Tour | Shanghai History Museum 夏日之旅|上海市历史博物馆
